BURMA MYANMAR: 14 military trucks arrived in Homong, opposite Maehongson, on 3 March

14 military trucks arrived in Homong, opposite Maehongson, on 3 March. Since then an unspecified number of 105 mm howitzers have been placed at Nawng Leng, regarded as the gateway to Loi Taileng base of Shan State Army (SSA) ‘South’ and the Sankang base of United Wa State Army (UWSA)’s 778th Brigade. The move followed 19 February visit by army commander Soe Win, Shan State special operations commander Aung Than Tut and two regional commanders. The Homong command later demanded the SSA withdraw its outposts in Homong and Monghta sub-townships. The latter had refused saying the setting up of its outposts was in line with the second ceasefire agreement signed in January 2012. Locals meanwhile say the Burma Army move might be against either the SSA or the UWSA. (Taifreedom)

Restoration Council of Shan State / Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) spokesman Lao Hseng says although fighting has stopped on the motorways and towns, it is still going on in the countryside. “It’s who sees first, shoot first situation,” he tells SHAN. The Burma Army had also demanded that it withdraw its base in Monghta and two other bases in Homong by the end of February. The SSA so far has not moved. On the brighter side, it has set up liaison offices in several major towns and small commercial enterprises. (SHAN)

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