Karen National Union (KNU) and Myanmar President U Thein Sein Meeting 07 Apr 2012_english

Karen National Union (KNU) and Myanmar President U Thein Sein Meeting

07 Apr 2012


1. Seven leaders from the Karen National Union (KNU) delegation, led by General Secretary Naw Zipporah Sein, met with the President of Union of Myanmar, U Thein Sein, at 7 am on April 7, 2012 in Nay Pyi Daw. After holding an informal discussion, the delegation arrived back in Yangon around noon by a special flight.

2. During the meeting, President U Thein Sein explained the Government’s efforts for peace process, development, and democratization.

3. The KNU leaders reaffirmed their relentless commitment for a nation-wide ceasefire and for progressive realization of peace and reform.

4. President U Thein Sein also told KNU that the Government is making its best efforts to remove KNU from its list of outlawed organizations as soon as possible.

5. Today’s meeting with the President was arranged by Union Ministers U Aung Min, U Soe Thein, and U Khin Yee. The Government’s intermediaries on the peace process (U Hla Maung Shwe, U Kyaw Yin Hlaing and U Ngwe Soe) also attended the meeting.

Contact: Saw Dah Doh Moo (95-9 419 81239)
Naw May-Oo Mutraw (95-9 857 5142)

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