Press Release Arakan National Council:Nyi Nyi Lwin Set Free from Malaysian Custody

Nyi Nyi Lwin was released from Malaysian custody on April 7, 2011 and voluntarily flew to Bangkok, Thailand. He is healthy and having strong commitment to restore democracy and human rights in Burma and Arakan freedom movements.


“I would like to thank my family and Phu Phu, friends, Arakan National Council (ANC), and American embassy in Kuala Lumpur, who worked very hard for my freedom. However, I am more concerned the other seven members of my organization who are still remaining in the jail. They are innocent and their freedom is as important as my freedom,” Nyi Nyi Lwin said.


Nyi Nyi Lwin is executive member of ANC and advisor and founder of Arakan Refugee Relief Committee.  He is an American citizen and was arrested by plain cloth police at his office, Arakan Refugee Relief Committee (ARRC), in Kuala Lumpur on March 27th because some Arakanese reported to the Special Branch of police that he was taken pictures with Arakanese freedom fighters on India-Burma border in 2006 where he held an automatic machine gun for photo opportunity. When he was taken to Dang Wangi police station, the investigation officer found there was no entry visa record at immigration headquarters. Thus, he was arrested for overstay and national security reason. After investigation was completed, he was cleared of all the accused.


On March 30th, police stormed the ARRC office and arrested seven executive members of ARRC at nightfall because Khine Min Chan, former executive member, lodged a police report for “Commercial Crime”. In other word, Chairman Tun Tun, Adviser Nyi Nyi Lwin, and other six executive members, were accused for misusing the organization funds of Malaysian Ringgit 85,300.00.


Two Malaysian lawyers are hired to fight for freedom of Chairman Tun Tun and other six executive members.


I am certain that they will be released very soon because Khine Min Chan uses police and makes fail report. In fact, the executive members have very rights to spend the organization’s funds to pay for bills and other assistances to the refugees as part of mechanism. If he wants to complain us, he can come to office at anytime. It is our internal matter, but he uses Malaysian old police arrest warrant system against us,” Nyi Nyi Lwin said.


Arakan National Council Supporting (ANC-S) and Arakan Refugee Relief Committee (ARRC) is still strong and united even all EC members are in prison. As soon as they are released, they will rebuild the organization and help refugees in Malaysia.


Executive Committee

Arakan National Council


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