#BURMA #MYANMAR #Government #troop #will #fight #UWSA

A mass of military trucks loaded with arms and troops headed from Murngton to Nar Gaung Mu region where the direction was to UWSA (United WA State Army), yesterday. There were Government LIB 65, 225 and IB 519 and 227 on activities, except Artillery Battalion 113.

“Those were the precursor signs of war because UWSA didn’t listen to the order from the Union Government or the Military to shoot SSPP/SSA before. And they wouldn’t do now so the government have to get rid of them.” Murngton local said to our correspondent.

SSPP/SSA had also been ordered to remove from those regions last 14 this month, and the tension between the government and KIA was growing in this month. CR. TAIFREEDOM


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