KNPP chief of armed forces, Bee Htoo predicts united armed struggle after Burma’s election

Exclusion of ethnic groups from the coming general election in Burma will lead to a consolidation of rebellious armed forces along the border with Thailand to fight against the new militarybacked government, an ethnicminority leader said.

We all know that the election will not benefit us, so we have to unite to fight against them,” said the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) chief of armed forces, Bee Htoo.
“The election will change nothing in this country. I expect there will be a major offensive from Burma’s military shortly after the election,” he said.

The elected government will claim it is a democratic one but the suppression of minorities will continue, he said.
The KNPP, one of three rebellious ethnic groups along Burma’s border with Thailand, announced it would continue its armed struggle after the November election in Burma. The other two groups are the Karen National Union (KNU) and Shan State Army (SSA).

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