#NAY #MYO #ZIN #VIDEO #ျပည္တြင္းျငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရးနွင့္တိုင္းရင္းသားမ်ားတန္းတူညီမ်ွအခြင့္အေရးရရန္အတြက္လုပ္ေ



ပုဒ္မ ၁၈ နဲ႔တရားစြဲခံထားရတဲ႔ ကိုေနမ်ိဳးဇင္ ကိုယေန့ ရံုးခ်ိန္းမွာ ့ေက်ာက္တံတားျမိဳ ႕နယ္တရားရံုးက အျပစ္မရွိလို ့ လႊတ္လိုက္ေၾကာင္းအမိန့္ခ်ခဲ႔ပါတယ္။

Nay Myo Zin Sentenced to 10 Years-after Quintana,s discussed the release of prisoners

Nay Myo Zin, who worked as a volunteer for a blood donor group affiliated with the opposition National League for Democracy (NLD), was sentenced to 10 years in prison on Friday by Insein Prison Court in Rangoon, accused of breaking the electronic transactions act, Article 33(a).

Hla Myo Myint, a lawyer for Nay Myo Zin, said that he was arrested by the Special Branch on April 2 for no reason, and that his back was injured during interrogation. Nay Myo Zin was brought to court in a wheel chair, and recently received hospital treatment, his lawyer said.

The imprisonment of the former military officer comes just a day after United Nations Special Envoy Tomás Ojea Quintana discussed the release of prisoners with the Burmese authorities in Naypyidaw.

During Quintana’s five-day visit to Burma he discussed with various ministers the torture and ill-treatment of political prisoners in Insein Prison, he said at a press conference to conclude his trip on Thursday.

In a UN statement, Quintana said, “In Insein prison, I heard disturbing testimonies of prolonged sleep and food deprivation during interrogation, beatings, and the burning of bodily parts, including genital organs. I also heard accounts of prisoners being confined in cells normally used for prison dogs as means of punishment.”

Nay Myo Zin graduated from Intake 30 of Defence Services Academy. He retired in 2005, and was arrested two days after the new civilian government led by President Thein Sein was formed in March this year.

Meanwhile, a court in Meikthila Township in Mandalay Division sentenced NLD member Aung Hla Myint to 16 months in prison for breaking a travel restriction that forbids him from leaving his home town of Tatkon. He was arrested after he went to Meikthila to attend a Martyrs’ Day Ceremony at the local NLD office. 
