Burma_Arakan: clashes have been between Burmese and Rohingya Bengali; not between Buddhists and Muslims.

Recent wave of sectarian violence in Burma has resulted in loss of lives and properties on both sides; Burmese and Bengali aka Rohingya.  It has threatened her road toward democracy and ongoing reform process.  It is imperative for all Burmese and Bengali no matter any race or faith they belong to should restrain and refrain from committing further violence as sectarian clash always brings destruction to both sides.


The current clashes in Burma impacted and got impacted by not only Burmese inside the country but also people around the world.  For better or worse, media, Facebook and non-governmental organizations have all contributed a great deal.  While some people are trying to calm both sides, some people feel compelled to take side.  At this time of high racial tension, people from both sides especially those from international community cannot afford to appear as inciting racial or religious hatred.

On June 16, 2012, The Daily Star, online newspaper of Bangladesh published an op-ed titled “The Rohingya question” written by Ashfaqur Rahman, a “former Ambassador and commentator on contemporary issues”.  He blatantly wrote, “Indeed up to 1784, Arakan was an independent Muslim kingdom.  In that year it was colonized by a Buddhist Burmese king called Bodawphaya.”  All experts and Burmese people know the statement is totally false.  Such statement has caused widespread anger among Burmese who are very proud of their rich history and heritage.  It clearly indicates Mr. Rahman has never been to Arakan where Buddhism has flourished for over 2000 years and Buddhist pagoda shines on almost every hilltop. Continue reading “Burma_Arakan: clashes have been between Burmese and Rohingya Bengali; not between Buddhists and Muslims.”